The A$AP Rule

Arif Hussain
2 min readSep 2, 2021

If I ask you what ASAP is, you will answer “As Soon As Possible”. But, if you stay with me till the end of the post, you won’t anymore.

After having an experience of two decades at work and four in life, I can confidently say that the only difference between success and failure in achieving your professional goals is the A$AP Rule.

There’s a reason why only a small percentage of Entrepreneurs build enterprises that outlive them while others shut shop and go back to a job. There’s a reason why only few of the working professionals move up the ladder of success while others keep struggling hopping jobs from one company to another.

And, I have found out the reason why — It’s the A$AP Rule.

It’s because they didn’t become As $killed As Possible and As $oon As Possible.

Let’s say you earn 50K/month in job and want to earn 2 lakhs/month by 2022 or, you want to build a 10 lakh/month company by 2022 and right now you’re at 1 lakh/month. Until you learn the Mindset, Strategy, Knowledge & Tools and practice them fast enough to get the skills in this year, you’re not going to hit your 10 lakh/month goal.

But, if you somehow find a way to get the required skills in this year, you will get to your goals faster and earn 10X the revenue you are earning right now. People don’t realize the cost of doing nothing and that’s why they don’t take action. There’s always a cost you pay deliberately or unknowingly for doing something or not doing anything. There are always consequences of your inaction as there are for actions.

This applies to every area of your life: career, health, finances or relationships.

The faster you acquire the skills, the faster you hit your goals.

Notice the $ symbol with the words “Skilled” & “Soon”?

Its because the money is not just in the Skill, its in how Soon you can acquire it before one of your competitor does. The skills have to keep upgraded or evolved into new ones depending on the need of your market.

That’s the A$AP Rule and you can use it to grow any area of your business and life faster.

Will you commit to the A$AP Rule?

I have committed to the A$AP Rule this year and I have changed the way I looked at my outcomes and thus, my life.

If you’re too, type A$AP in the comments.

For you to get As $killed As Possible, As $oon As Possible.

